Prospective PhD Student Presentations
Prospective PhD Student Presentations
Prospective PhD Students
Micheal O'Shea, Suny Coll Geneseo
Using The Morphology of Impact Craters as a Relative Age Indicator for Fluvial Activity at Xanthe Terra, Mars –
Callie Crawford, University of Rhode Island
Skeletal Morphology in the Chondrichthyan Tree of Life
Samantha Giancarli, Richard Stockton College
Preliminary exploration of 3-dimensional forelimb mechanics of Pogona vitticeps using markerless video tracking
John Sime, College of Wooster
Edge-drilling: Snail Predatory Behavior or Phantom of Typological Thinking
Michelle Zill, University of California San Diego
Fish Productivity during the Eocene/Oligocene Transition
Allison Villegos Roman, Cuny Hunter College
Environmental Science, the Forgotten Fundamental Pillar for National Security
Rebecca Wilkes, Cuny Washington and Jefferson College
Phytoremediation potential of native wetland species in acid mine drainage (AMD) conditions
Aaron Hurst, Vanderbilt University
Plucking in Mixed Alluvial-Bedrock Rivers: The Incipient Motion Problem