Geobiology Symposium XXIV Paleontology – Paleobiology – Geobiology


Geobiology Symposium XXIV Paleontology – Paleobiology – Geobiology

Feb 26, 2016 at | 358 Hayden Hall

Special Seminar



10:15   Lauren SALLAN, Dept. of Earth & Env. Science, University of Pennsylvania
The Silurian Nekton Revolution: Paleozoic jawless fishes exhibited modern, form-dependent modes of habitat use

10:40   Conrad LABANDEIRA, National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), Smithsonian
Evolutionary convergence between Mesozoic lacewings and modern butterflies

11:05   Kenneth LACOVARA, School of Earth & Environment, Rowan University
The Rowan University Fossil Park (Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, New Jersey)

11:30   William DiMICHELE, National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), Smithsonian
Western Pangean climate in the Pennsylvanian and Permian

___________      COFFEE BREAK at 11:55 am

12:15   Hans-Dieter SUES, National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), Smithsonian
A Middle Triassic stem-turtle and the origin of the turtle body plan

12:40   Leonard DEWAELE, Ghent University, Belgium (with O. LAMBERT, S. LOUWYE)
A game of bones: A song on Prophoca and Leptophoca (Carnivora: Phocidae) From the Miocene of Belgium

1:05     Steve WANG, Swarthmore College (with Leonie COHEN, Philip GINGRICH)
Fossil-based dating of the divergence of Hominoidea and Cercopithecoidea

___________     LUNCH at 1:30 pm

2:30    Danielle FRASER, S. Kathleen LYONS, Smithsonian NMNH
Past dispersal, speciation, and extinction events of North American mammal communities

2:55    Emmy SMITH, National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), Smithsonian
The last of the Ediacara Biota: the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary section at Mt. Dunfee, Nevada

3:20    Matthew VRAZO, University of Cincinnati and Smithsonian NMNH
Geochemical insights into a latest Cretaceous Lagerstätte in the Mississippi embayment

___________    COFFEE BREAK at 3:45 pm

4:05    Sandra SCHACHAT, Mississippi Entomological Museum & NMNH
Reconstructing the evolution of morphology in the absence of an informative fossil record: the relationship between wing venation and color pattern in moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
4:30    John CLARKE, University of Pennsylvania (with Lauren SALLAN, Matt FRIEDMAN)
The 100 million year journey to teleost supremacy

___________      End at 5:00 PM

 Concurrent Poster Session

Steven JASINSKI, Dept. of Earth & Env. Science, University of Pennsylvania
Felid (Carnivora: Felidae) scapula variation; implications for the ecomorphology of felids

Erynn JOHNSON, Dept. of Earth & Env. Science, University of Pennsylvania
Do we really need complete specimens to understand drilling predation?

Carlos PEREDO, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA & Smithsonian NMNH
Morphological consequences of tooth loss: A comparison of the course of the mandibular canal in mysticete cetaceans using 3D models of the internal anatomy of the mandible

Jack STACK, Lauren SALLAN, Dept. of Earth & Env. Science, University of Pennsylvania
The forgotten sea: An examination of the vertebrates of the Michigan Basin