EES Seminar Series - Dr. Stefan Sievert
"Chemoautotrophic Production in Hydrothermal Systems"

The Department of Earth & Environmental Science
University of Pennsylvania
Invites you to attend a EES Seminar Series
Friday, October 25, 2024 - 3:00 PM
"Chemoautotrophic Production in Hydrothermal Systems"
Hydrothermal systems are among the most dynamic and captivating environments on Earth that sustain unique ecosystems. However, despite 45+ years of research, knowledge of in situ metabolism of microbes carrying out carbon fixation in marine hydrothermal systems is still very limited. Particularly lacking are studies identifying the chemosynthetically active microbes and measuring rates of CO2-fixation in situ. Here, I present data from innovative incubations both in deep-sea and shallow-water hydrothermal vents that take in situ conditions into account and provide a comprehensive view of the productivity of these vent systems and their biogeochemical significance for the surrounding ocean.
Dr. Stefan Sievert
Associate Scientist w/ Tenure
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution