Students in the paleobiology concentration learn how the biological and physical conditions in deep time shaped the current conditions on Earth. Paleobiologists use image analysis and evolutionary theory to deduce the patterns of change in the biosphere. The concentration/major is made up 15 credits from several groups of courses outlined below.
(Minimum 18.5 credits for Major / 36 credits total)
Required Courses (8 CUs)
BIOL 101 / BIOL 1101: Introduction to Biology A (1.5 CU)
BIOL 102 / BIOL 1102 : Introduction to Biology B (1.5 CU)
BIOL 230 / BIOL 2410: Evolutionary Biology (1 CU)
GEOL 100 / EESC 1000: Introduction to Geology (1 CU), OR
GEOL 125 / EESC 1050: Earth and Life Through Time (1 CU)
GEOL 111 / EESC 1002: Geology Laboratory (1 CU) GEOL 205 / EESC 1500: Paleontology (1 CU)
GEOL 206 / EESC 2600: Stratigraphy (1 CU)
Upper-level courses (2 CUs)
Choose one course from two different disciplines. One from each of the following lists:
GEOL 411 / EESC 4660: Intro Soil Science (1 CU), OR, GEOL 511: Advanced Soil Science
GEOL 515 / EESC 5400: Evolution of Terrestrial Ecosystems (1 CU)
GEOL 615 / EESC 6510: Adv. Vertebrate Paleontology Seminar (1 CU)
BIOL 221 / BIOL 2210: Molecular Biology and Genetics (1 CU)
BIOL 325 / BIOL 3625: Marine Biology (1 CU)
BIOL 330 / BIOL 3430: Vertebrate Biology (1 CU)
BIOL 400 / BIOL 4600: Field Botany (1 CU)
Required Courses in Related Disciplines (6.5 CUs)
CHEM 001 / CHEM 1011: Introductory Chemistry I AND CHEM 051: Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I (1.5 CU), OR
CHEM 101 / CHEM 1012: General Chemistry I AND CHEM 053 / CHEM 1101: General Chemistry Laboratory I (1.5 CU) CHEM 102 / CHEM 1022: General Chemistry II AND CHEM 054 / CHEM 1102: General Chemistry Laboratory II (1.5 CU)
PHYS 150 / PHYS 0150: Principles of Physics I: Mechanics and Wave Motion AND PHYS 050 / PHYS 0050: Principles of Physics Laboratory I (1.5 CU), OR
PHYS 170 / PHYS 0170: Honors Physics I: Mechanics and Wave Motion AND PHYS 070: Principles of Physics Honors Laboratory I (1.5 CU)
MATH 104 / MATH 1400: Calculus, Part I (1 CU)
MATH 114 / MATH 1410: Calculus, Part II (for the Physical Sciences) (1 CU), OR
MATH 115: Calculus, Part II with Probability and Matrices (for the Biological Sciences) (1 CU), OR
BIOL 446 / BIOL 5510: Statistics for Biologists (1 CU), OR
STAT 101 / STAT 1010: Introductory Business Statistics (1 CU), OR
STAT 111 / STAT 1110: Introductory Statistics (1 CU)
Individual Research Project (2 CUs)
GEOL 399 / EESC 3997: Junior Research Seminar (1 CU)
GEOL 498 / EESC 4997: Senior Thesis Seminar, A and B (1 CU)