B.S. Geosciences, Trinity University, 2020
Advisor: Dr. Brady Ziegler
Thesis: Characterizing Dye Tracer Testing Including the Competitive Sorption of Florescent Dye and Groundwater Contaminants and the Lower Detection Limit of Dye on Granular Activated Carbon
University of Kansas, Geology, 2020-2024
PhD Earth and Environmental Science, University of Pennsylvania, Expected Graduation: Spring 2026
Glaciers, glacier melt water, climate change, High Mountain Asia
Undergraduate education, boosting student self-efficacy during the geoscience graduate school application process
Current dissertation work:
- Quantifying Present and Future Glacial Meltwater Contributions to Stream Discharge In High Mountain Asia
- Creating a more transparent graduate school application process by boosting self-efficacy among GeoGradApp.com
workshop participants
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Association for Women in Geoscience (AWG)
National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT)
Geological Society of America (GSA)