John Spiesberger

 John Spiesberger

Visiting Scholar

1982-1992  Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

1992-1999   Department of Meteorology and Applied Research Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University 

1999-present   Visiting Scholar, Earth and Environmental Science, University of Pennsylvania 

Video: Locating and Censusing Calling Marine Mammals in the Chukchi Sea with Time Differences of Arrival Amongst Black Holes of 2D Models


1980  Ph.D., Oceanography, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego

1975  A.B., Physics, University of California, Berkeley

Research Interests

Estimating abundance of calling animals in the air and ocean, locating calling animals with widely separated receivers, propagation of sound  in the ocean and air, oceanography, wave propagation, signal processing.