Sustainability and Environmental Management Minor

Sustainability and Environmental Management Minor

This is a 6 CU University Interschool Minor. As a University Interschool Minor, each student should be advised by the designated advisor in his/her home school.

Required courses (4 CUs)

ENVS 100 (SAS): Introduction to Environmental Science (1 CU)

EAS 401 (SEAS): Energy and its impacts: technology, ecology, economics and sustainability, OR

EAS 402 (SEAS): Renewable energy and its impact

EAS 403 (SEAS): Energy Systems and Policy


Two out of the three following courses:

BEPP/OPIM 261/SYS 567 (Wharton): Risk Analysis and Environmental Management

BEPP/OPIM 263 (Wharton): Environmental and Energy Economics

LGST 215/815 (Wharton): Environmental Management Law and Policy

Elective courses (2 CUs)

The other two courses should be chosen from the following electives:

LGST 215: Environmental Law and Business
LGST 230: Social Impact and Responsibility
BEPP/OPIM 261/SYS 567: Risk Analysis and Environmental Management
BEPP/OPIM 263: Environmental and Energy Economics

(any of the three above may be used as an elective if not used as a required course)

BIOL 140: Humans and the Environment
BIOL 240: Ecology and Population Biology
BIOL 456: Issues in Conservation
EAS 401 (SEAS): Energy and its impacts: technology, ecology, economics and sustainability, OR

EAS 402 (SEAS): Renewable energy and its impact
EAS 403 (SEAS): Energy Systems and Policy


Two out of the three following courses:

BEPP/OPIM 261/SYS 567 (Wharton): Risk Analysis and Environmental Management

BEPP/OPIM 263 (Wharton): Environmental and Energy Economics


LGST 215/815 (Wharton): Environmental Management Law and Policy



Students interested in the OEVM minor should contact the advisor for their school listed below:

  • SAS: Maria Antonia Andrews
  • SEAS: Dr. Robert Riggleman
  • Wharton: Sarah Light