Past Events

EES Seminar Series - Dr. Michael Hochella

"The Latest in Nanoscale Drivers of Large-scale Earth Processes"

Oct 29, 2021 at -

The Department of Earth & Environmental Science University of Pennsylvania Invites you to attend a EES Seminar Series Friday, October 29th - 3:00 PM     Dr. Michael Hochella University…

Geoscience Colloquium

EES Seminar Series - Dr. James Holden

Modeling and detection of thermophiles in the subseafloor

Oct 22, 2021 at -

The Department of Earth & Environmental Science University of Pennsylvania Invites you to attend a EES Seminar Series Friday, October 22nd - 3:00 PM   Dr. James Holden Professor & Department Head…

Geoscience Colloquium

EES Seminar Series - Dr. Hermann Pfefferkorn

"186 Years of Earth Sciences at Penn and the Portraits in the Lobby"

Oct 8, 2021 at -

The Department of Earth & Environmental Science University of Pennsylvania Invites you to attend a EES Seminar Series Friday, October 8th - 3:00 PM   Dr. Hermann Pfefferkorn Professor Emeritus…

Geoscience Colloquium